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Castor Leaf Stalks Herbal Tea


1000 ml of water ( 5 Glasses )

3 Medium sized castor leaves along with their long stalks

1/2 tsp Cumin Seeds ( Jeera )

1/4 tsp Caraway Seeds ( Ajwain)

We will be using only the leaf stalks. The leaves have to be discarded.


Separate the stalks from the leaves and discard the leaves.

Chop the stalks into medium sized pieces and boil them in about 5 glasses of water with 1/2 tsp of Jeera and 1/4 tsp of Caraway seeds (Ajwain).

Boil it on low flame, down to approximately 3 glasses ( From the 5 glasses of liquid that we began with).

Filter and keep the Herbal tea in a Thermos flask.


To be used for relief from Rheumatic pains, swollen joints, muscle spasms and bloating caused due to indigestion or food poisoning.

Used along with 1/2 tsp of Vidanga / Embelia ribes powder it can be used for deworming in children


For Adults: Take one glass in the morning, one in the afternoon and one in the evening

For Children: 1/2 a glass three times during the day along with Embelia ribes - as a deworming aid

Kindly note: These recipes are to be used for a day or two and it is best you do so after consulting with your personal ayurvedic physician or holistic practitioner.


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